Stephanie Sandifer, Houston A+ Challenge
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Presenter would love to not have to do this session - many of the solutions she offers here are bandaids.
We can't let limited access to technology prevent us from addressing what needs to happen in the classroom. Even without technology you can create a learner-centered classroom. Even high-tech classrooms can still be teacher-centered. The ideal is high-tech and learner-centered.
Those who are here from the private sector can help by using their networks to support and influence what's going on in schools.
Flipped Classroom Model - Although there is a lot of debate around the effectiveness of this model, it is catching on. What if your kids are going home to a place without access. You have to think about redesigning your classroom. Could students watch the videos by rotating to the computer during independent work time?
Critical Friends Groups - Use discussion protocols to learn together. Protocols have strong structures that makes sure everyone has a voice and chance to contribute and learn. Can be accomplished with or without technology.
Jigsaw Grouping - A quick way to move people into groups throughout a class period. PDF on Wiki.
I.D.E.A. - Innovation, Discovery, and Engagement Area - Use Idea paint to turn any wall into a whiteboard. Put furniture on wheels so movement around the room is easy. Also make a "genius bar".
My Fakebook - Google doc template - Create fake profiles for people, things, etc. Can print out and use in a handwritten format if you don't have access to technology. Thought process of creating profile is more important than accomplishing with technology.
One teacher in audience shares that one of his Type-A students was taking pics of the notes on the board at the end of each class, & other students asked her to text or email the pics. She became a caretaker of the class and the idea spread to other classes.
Ask your students what you can do to make lessons more engaging. They'll let you know.
Post classroom resources on your website. Most kids will have a way to get to it.
What can administrators do? Model, engage your teachers in a dialog on what can be done differently, enlist teachers' help as peer coaches. Set expectations and create the culture you need on your campus.
TASB rep in audience says: Bring your school boards along - they are good people who want to help you! Present to them; show them what's going on and what needs to go on.