Scott Floyd
White Oak ISD
- Student AUP
- Open wireless
- Students are allowed to bring their own devices and use guest wireless
- AUP applies whether students are on district computers or their own devices
- Being too specific in an AUP can cause problems in the end. What is the next Facebook, Twitter, etc.?
- Better to build a policy around doing the right thing.
- Students should bring tools if it fits their learning style and the class they are in, but are not required to bring their own devices
- District computers provided to the "have nots". Netbooks with DeepFreeze and SD cards for local saving (instead of Thawspace) so students can take the computers home when needed
- Bandwidth use went down when social networking was opened up b/c people were no longer using proxies to get around the filter
- In a large district, start with a pilot at one campus.
- What about FERPA? Use anonymous student accounts (Ex: Glogster, Voice Thread, Kid Blogs, etc) or use filtered/managed accounts.
- Teaching accountablility has to start with teachers when you begin to open these tools up.
- Have a plan! Teach how to use iPods, cellphones, etc without them becoming a distraction or discipline issue. They need strategies because this is a new pedagogy.
- Set an expectation that the students and teachers will use technology responsibly
- Bud Hunt from Colorado -
- What about CIPA? It is very specific and is usually interpreted too strictly.
- A district committee with instructional tech, admins, technology staff to decide blocking policy might be beneficial for creating filtering policy
- Get your site based committee involved. Have a plan and present it to administration. Be the pilot campus!
- Get an audience with leadership above the campus level.
- Share the ISTE Nets with them to start - national technology standards for our kids!
- Point out what the TEKS say - are the policies you have in place hindering the coverage of the TEKS?
- Tie the need for improvement to mission statements - empowering students, educating global learners, etc.