McKinney ISD - Three high schools piloting students bringing their own devices
- AUP for guest access pops up every time someone tries to connect to their guest wireless
- Teachers now struggling with using devices which have many different types of software and limitations such as limited data plans.
- Setting up forms for teachers to survey students on what type of devices their students have so they can plan better for instruction
- Survey of parents has shown generally positive
- No staff development with teachers first
- Nothing in place yet to block 3G/4G access. Going to observe and see what happens.
- Some campuses have laptop carts they can use to supplement for students who do not have devices to bring
- McKinney ISD BYOT Advertising Flyer
- McKinney ISD BYOT Student, Teacher, and Parent Guide
- No staff development with teachers first
- Teachers who were interested initiated the project
- Now doing once a month PD sessions; instructional technology partners offer classes and tech committee teacher members will eventually get release time to offer classes as well
- Students from NJHS have formed a Campus Geek Squad to help teachers learn to use the technology - this was initiated by the students!
- For next year the idea is to go school wide and do staff development in the summer
- Estimates about 80% of students have smart phones
- Did do staff development before going to 1:1
- School buys a large number of devices and leases them out to the students for $600 per year. Insured for breakage
- Software that is specific to a discipline (Ex: Chemistry software) can be purchased and licensed for the leased computers
- Students have the technology already and would like to use it
- Teachers may not have the devices themselves - should the school provide these?
- What if we're an all PC campus and now we have to work with Apple iProducts
- Guest access may need to be segmented to protect bandwidth and protect internal network from virus, etc.
- How do we create lessons that are device neutral and account for the fact that not all students will have devices to bring? Cloud computing?
- Can districts provide a vehicle for parents to know what to purchase? Provide bulk purchase agreement?
- Monitoring appropriate use is an issue.
Thanks to all who participated in this conversation. Please post further thoughts or links to further resources in the comments!
NOTE: If you were interested in this post, you might also be interested in my May 3, 2011 post Successes & Challenges of a Bring Your Own Device Initiative